Integrated Manual Movement Therapy

Move Better. Move More.

Feel Better. Function Better. For a Lifetime.

Most of the reason we have chronic pain and acquire injuries are due to mechanical imbalances. These occur in 2 different forms: tissue restriction and motor control dysfunction. These can be thought of as two opposite sides of the same coin as one causes other … or at least they happen at the same time.

We attempt to resolve these two issues by eliminating tissue restriction and restoring motor control. After imbalances have been created through life, they are EXTREMELY difficult to resolve without outside analysis by a specialist or techniques applied by said movement specialist. So, we must utilize Applied NeuroMuscular Techniques such as (but not limited to):

  • Stretch therapy

  • Fascial Release (Instrument Assisted)

  • Percussion

  • Cupping

  • Isolated Muscle Activation

In order to attain optimal long lasting results and continue progressing in between sessions, the client MUST perform active techniques for motor control and range of motion. This is what we refer to as: Restorative Strength and Conditioning…As the client is performing activity for ‘restoring’ proper balance of movement.